Junior Balkan MO 2017 - Problem 3

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27. listopada 2023.

Let ABC be an acute triangle such that |AB|\neq |AC|, with circumcircle \Gamma and circumcenter O. Let M be the midpoint of BC and D be a point on \Gamma such that AD \perp  BC. let T be a point such that BDCT is a parallelogram and Q a point on the same side of BC as A such that \angle{BQM}=\angle{BCA} and \angle{CQM}=\angle{CBA}. Let the line AO intersect \Gamma at E (E\neq A) and let the circumcircle of \triangle ETQ intersect \Gamma at point X\neq E. Prove that the point A,M and X are collinear.

Izvor: Juniorska balkanska matematička olimpijada 2017.