MEMO 2011 ekipno problem 3
arhivaApril 28, 2012 For an integer
, let
be the set
of points in the plane.
What is the maximum possible number of points in a subset
which does not contain three distinct points being the vertices of a right triangle?
For an integer $n \geq 3$, let $\mathcal M$ be the set $\{(x, y) | x, y \in \mathbb Z, 1 \leq x \leq n, 1 \leq y \leq n\}$ of points in the plane.
What is the maximum possible number of points in a subset $S \subseteq \mathcal M$ which does not contain three distinct points being the vertices of a right triangle?
Source: Srednjoeuropska matematička olimpijada 2011, ekipno natjecanje, problem 3