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In the plane we consider rectangles whose sides are parallel to the coordinate axes and have positive length. Such a rectangle will be called a box. Two boxes intersect if they have a common point in their interior or on their boundary. Find the largest n for which there exist n boxes B_1, \ldots, B_n such that B_i and B_j intersect if and only if i\not\equiv j\pm 1\pmod n.

Proposed by Gerhard Woeginger, Netherlands

Slični zadaci

2018IMO Shortlist 1999 problem C20
2242IMO Shortlist 2007 problem C26
2273IMO Shortlist 2008 problem C34
2279IMO Shortlist 2008 problem G39
2300IMO Shortlist 2009 problem C46
2349Mala olimpijada 1998 zadatak 13