MEMO 2017 pojedinačno problem 2

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Dodao/la: arhiva
12. rujna 2018.

Let n \geqslant 3 be an integer. A labelling of the n vertices, the n sides and the interior of a regular n-gon by 2n + 1 distinct integers is called memorable if the following conditions hold:

(a) Each side has a label that is the arithmetic mean of the labels of its endpoints.
(b) The interior of the n-gon has a label that is the arithmetic mean of the labels of all the vertices.

Determine all integers n \geqslant 3 for which there exists a memorable labelling of a regular n-gon consisting of 2n + 1 consecutive integers.

Izvor: Srednjoeuropska matematička olimpijada 2017, pojedinačno natjecanje, problem 2