IMO Shortlist 2005 problem C3

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2. travnja 2012.
Consider a m\times n rectangular board consisting of mn unit squares. Two of its unit squares are called adjacent if they have a common edge, and a path is a sequence of unit squares in which any two consecutive squares are adjacent. Two parths are called non-intersecting if they don't share any common squares.

Each unit square of the rectangular board can be colored black or white. We speak of a coloring of the board if all its mn unit squares are colored.

Let N be the number of colorings of the board such that there exists at least one black path from the left edge of the board to its right edge. Let M be the number of colorings of the board for which there exist at least two non-intersecting black paths from the left edge of the board to its right edge.

Prove that N^{2}\geq M\cdot 2^{mn}.
Izvor: Međunarodna matematička olimpijada, shortlist 2005